Component Analysis
Performance Data
Date | Range | Choke (Nominal) | 30" Circle Impacts (Total) | Performance (Nominal) |
11/06/2017 | 30 Yards | 0.015" (Modified) | 89 (171) | 52% (< Cylinder) |
11/06/2017 | 30 Yards | 0.015" (Modified) | 110 (171) | 64% (Cylinder) |
11/06/2017 | 30 Yards | 0.020" (Improved Modified) | 120 (171) | 70% (Improved Cylinder) |
11/06/2017 | 30 Yards | 0.020" (Improved Modified) | 108 (171) | 63% (Cylinder) |
01/01/2017 | 30 Yards | 0.020" (Improved Modified) | 91 (171) | 55% (< Cylinder) |
01/01/2017 | 40 Yards | 0.025" (Full) | 54 (171) | 32% (< Cylinder) |
01/01/2017 | 40 Yards | 0.025" (Full) | 60 171) | 35% (< Cylinder) |
Performance Analysis
Pattern testing of the Bornaghi cartridges revealed that they are slightly more capable than first impressions suggested. However, their overall performance remains somewhat “average”.
30-yard patterns shot under testing approach (but only once achieved) the threshold of usefulness of 120 pellets in the standard circle. The 0.015″ and 0.020″ chokes of the test gun produced broadly similar performance and the average number of pellet strikes in the circle for all of those patterns is approximately 104. This suggests an effective range of 25-27 yards – slightly further than initial testing, but still unexceptional in the context of cartridges thus far tested by the SmallBoreShotguns team.
The cartridge demonstrates noticeable shot-to-shot variation in performance of up to 15% of the shot charge on the basis of data thus far collected. This is not particularly unusual, but the cartridge cannot be labelled “consistent” on this basis – we would expect to see 10% or less variation in percentage performance for a given gun barrel / choke to justify that description. Because of this variation, the SBS team would be hesitant to use this cartridge on game at all but the shortest ranges – one cannot be sure whether one will have a “killing” pattern at 30 yards or only at 20 yards.
The 40-yard patterns shot in January 2017 demonstrated no utility with 60 or fewer pellets striking within the standard circle using the full choke barrel. These were broadly consistent with the performance displayed at shorter ranges and at this point, unusually – unlike most of the other full-choke patterns we’ve shot – do not appear to represent a blown pattern.
We have not had the opportunity in our more recent pattern testing sessions to shoot patterns using the lighter chokes of the SBS test gun – we will do so at the earliest opportunity and supplement these conclusions when more data is available.
Example Patterns